PRIVATE JOINT-STOCK COMPANY «UKRAYІNS`KA VIJS`KOVO-STRAKHOVA KOMPANIYA» provides comprehensive medical care insurance of foreign citizens, who are prospective students and/or those getting degree in educational establishments of higher and professional pre-higher education of Ukraine.


  • medical expense insurance, including:
    • expenses caused by acute respiratory disease COVID-19, corona virus SARS-CoV-2;
    • expenses related by observation
  • protection and indemnity insurance, including indemnification liability related to enforced removal of foreigners outside Ukraine (deportation) and protection and indemnity insurance for property damage of the third parties caused by using real and movable property (motor transport for transportation, accommodation for foreign students) as being a user.



1. Civil code of Ukraine
2. The law of Ukraine "On the legal status of foreigners and stateless persons"
3. The law of Ukraine "On insurance"
4. Order of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, March 01, 2017 № 118 "On claim of Rules of registration of visas for an entrance to Ukraine and transit driving through the territory"
5. Order of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, April 25, 2018 № 322 "On claim of standard, technical description of form and Order of registration, delivery, exchange, abolition, sending, exception, return to the state, confession invalid and elimination of certificate on a temporal residence"
6. Order of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, December 9, 2020 № 1236 "On establishment of quarantine and implementation of restrictive epidemic control measures on the aim of prevention of distribution on the territory of Ukraine of acute respiratory disease  COVID - 19, caused by coronavirus SARS - CoV - 2"
7. Order of Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, October 21, 2020 № 2382 (rules of arrangement and running observation facilities)
8. Order of Department of Education and Science of Ukraine, November 01, 2013 № 1541 "Some issues of organization of set and studies (internship) of foreigners and stateless persons"
9. "Methodological recommendations concerning comprehensive medical expense insurance of foreign citizens and stateless persons getting degree in educational establishments of higher and professional pre-higher education of Ukraine", ratified by the order of Department of Education and Sciences of Ukraine on May 24, 2021 № 562
10. "Description and classification signs of types of voluntary insurance", ratified by the order of the State Commission on adjusting of markets of financial services of Ukraine from July 09, 2010 № 565



Territory of the Contract is Ukraine, except territories of Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol city, settlements of Luhansk and Donetsk areas, wherever public authorities do not carry out the plenary powers temporally
1.        Medical expense insurance (including COVID - 19)
         THE MANDATORY CONDITION OF INSURANCE for all foreigners and stateless persons, who are university entrants and/or getting degree in educational establishments of higher and professional pre-higher education of Ukraine
Insured sum – 100 000 UAH. Insurance terms and conditions:
Insurance payment per one person a year – 3 580 UAH. 1.    Emergency medical care (ambulance) - the combination of urgent organizational, diagnostic and curative measures given to the person, who needs the first medical aid and failure to render assistance can result in death or lead to the irreversible changes of organism, so to be sufficient for stabilizing state of the insured person including acute respiratory disease COVID - 19, caused by a coronavirus SARS - CoV - 2; hospitalization by vehicle to the nearest medical establishment, if it is demanded by the state of the insured person (foreign student).

Limit of Insurer after an option "Urgent (ambulance) medicare" -10 000 (ten thousand) UAH per one insured person a year.

2.    First ambulatory aid:

  • providing healthcare consultation based on medical grounds;

  • providing diagnostic  researches and clinical investigations (endoscopic manipulations, functional diagnostics, ultrasonic researches roentgenologic and others) -  based on medical grounds;

  • calling a doctor – based on medical necessity;

  • minor surgical procedures in laboratory conditions, including anesthesia – based on medical necessity;

  • medicament support at ambulatory-outpatient treatment - under the prescription of treating doctor.

Limit of Insurer according to an option "First ambulatory aid" is 10 000 (ten thousand) UAH per one insured person a year. Limit of Insurer at one insured accident is 5 000 (five thousand) UAH. Limit of Insurer on the medicament providing after an option the "First ambulatory aid" is 3 500 (three thousand five hundred) UAH per one insured person a year.

3.    The first stationary aid is totality of curative measures at the urgent states in the conditions of permanent establishment, that is given after vital testimonies during 24 hours starting from the moment of offensive of the first signs of disease and conducted  by establishments of urgent (ambulance) medicare or directly induction centre of permanent establishment, and includes:

  • urgent hospitalization;

  • a review and consultations of specialists on the profile of disease;

  • the use of surgery block and postoperative room;

  • conduction of diagnostic and laboratory researches under the conditions of permanent establishment;

  • at invasion manipulations including those conducted with a non-permanent tool;

  • anesthesia - at acute surgical setting;

  • defrayal of feeding given by health care establishment;

  • medicament providing at the first stationary aid - under the prescription of treating doctor within the limits of the envisaged Limit of Insurer on the medicament providing according to an option "First stationary aid".

Total limit of Insurer according to an option "First stationary aid" - 50 000 (fifty thousand) UAH per one insured person a year:

Limit of Insurer on the medicament providing according to an option "First stationary aid" - 7 000 (seven thousand) UAH per one insured person a year.

Duration of treatment paid by Insurer according to an option the "First stationary aid" for one hospitalization - 10 days, but not more than 30 000 (thirty thousand) UAH.

Limit of Insurer according to an option "First stationary aid" - 30 000 (thirty thousand) UAH for one insured person a year (except COVID - 19; at stationary treatment of COVID - 19 separate Limit of Insurer is set).

Limit of Insurer according to an option "First stationary aid" on medical and other services related to health disorder of the insured person as a result of the laboratory confirmed coronovirus infection SARS - CoV2 (COVID - 19) - 50 000 (fifty thousand) UAH per one insured person a year.

 4.    Repatriation costs: Repatriation costs for the remains of deceased who died on the territory of Ukraine include:

  • Arranging repatriation;

  • Costs on the repatriation of remains of the dead foreigner on territory of Ukraine to the country of origin or third country.

Costs on the repatriation of remains of the dead foreigner on territory of Ukraine to the country of origin or third country are covered within the limits of the insurance of Limit of Insurer set by Agreement according to the option "Costs on repatriation", Insurer does not pay costs on maintenance of body and ritual services on the territory of country of burial place of the insured person (foreigner) and costs on an accompanying person.

Limit of Insurer according to the option "Costs on repatriation"– 100 000 (one hundred thousand) UAH set by the Agreement



2.    Protection and indemnity insurance, including indemnification liability related to enforced removal of foreigners outside Ukraine (deportation) and protection and indemnity insurance for property damage of the third parties caused by using real and movable property (a motor transport for transportation, accomodation for foreign students) as being a user.
A MANDATORY CONDITION for the foreigners and noncitizens: university entrants and/or people getting degree in establishments of higher and professional pre-higher education of Ukraine - Protection and indemnity insurance, including indemnification liability related to enforced removal of foreigners outside Ukraine (deportation)
Insurance payout – 150 000 UAH. Insurance terms and conditions:
Insurance premium per one person a year year – 3 500 UAH. Defrayal caused by deportation of a non-national outside the borders of Ukraine, full cost of:
  • Passage tickets for the insured;

  • services of accommodation and subsistence remuneration of the detained foreign person in the specialized places according to the legislation of Ukraine, but not more than 10 days.

Limit of Insurer according to an option "Indemnification liability related to expulsion of foreigners outside Ukraine (deportation) " - 100 000 (one hundred thousand) UAH by Agreement of insurance
Liability insurance for the property damage Protection and indemnity insurance for property damage of the third parties caused by using real and movable property (a motor transport for transportation, accommodation for foreign students) as being a user. Limit of Insurer according to an option "Responsibility for property damage" - 50 000 (fifty thousand) UAH by Agreement of insurance


for the foreigners and noncitizens, who are university entrants and/or those getting degree in establishments of higher and professional pre-higher education of Ukraine

Subject to comprehensive medical expense insurance:

  • is insurance of medical costs (including COVID - 19)

  • and the costs related to observation;

  • protection and indemnity insurance, including indemnification liability related to enforced removal of foreigners outside Ukraine (deportation) and protection and indemnity insurance for property damage of the third parties caused by using real and movable property (a motor transport for transportation, accommodation for foreign students) as being a user.


OBSERVATION IS A MANDATORY CONDITION for the foreigners and noncitizens: university entrants and/or people getting degree in educational establishments of higher and professional pre-higher education of Ukraine, who arrived from Russian Federation, Republics of India and were on the territory more than 7 days during last 14 days.


1. Order of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from December, 9, 2020 № 1236 "About establishment of quarantine and implementation of restrictive epidemic control measures on the aim of prevention of distribution on the territory of Ukraine of acute respiratory disease COVID - 19, caused by coronavirus SARS - CoV - 2" (requires mandatory observation of foreigners, who arrived from Russian Federation, Republic of India)
2. Order of Ministry of Health of Ukraine from October, 21, 2020 № 2382 (order of arrangement and functioning of observations)
observation with reference to Order of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from December 9, 2020 № 1236 Insurance of Medical costs (including the costs related to observation).  Term of observation - 14 days one time per year
Insurance payment per person a year – 4 760 UAH.

Costs related to observation, which are covered by Insurer:

costs under the terms and conditions of the Agreement of insurance for the stay of foreigners (university entrants and/or persons getting degree in  establishments of higher and professional pre-higher education of Ukraine) during 14 days  in observations, who must be provided with the centralized water system; by the system  of the centralized overflow-pipe, that must allow realization of disinfestation; by beds; accommodation is no more than 4 people in one room; provided with shower cubicles, rest rooms, washstands; sanitary checkpoint that is used for the sanitization of people and workers of observations and satisfy other requirements, stated in the Order of arrangement and functioning of the observations, ratified by the Order of Ministry of health of Ukraine from October, 21 2020.
  • observation living costs in Limits of Insurer for 24-hour period per person including:
220 UAH.
  • costs on the sanitization of rooms for 14 days
  • costs on the sanitization of corridors and stairs for 14 days
  • costs on hands disinfection facilities for 14 days
  • subsistence remuneration in Limits of Insurer for 24- hour period per person
120 UAH.



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